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crafting ​business ​case studies


how to write great case studies

Case studies are the best way to communicate what you do and the impact you can deliver. These give you a chance to humbly brag about what you do. You can choose the most impressive work you’ve done and allow potential partners to see some proof points of your work.

Remember to keep you audience in mind, highlight the pain points that they can relate to, and showoff the hard work you and your team has done. This is sometimes challenging especially with the realities of NDA’s and client confidentiality. But there are ways to get your message across without name-dropping.

The best case studies clearly outline, pain points, define the solution and measure the impact. They show proof points with statistics to match and quotes from the client. They explain the challenges respectfully and highlight how they solved it.

There’s many styles of presenting this information and the content might vary slightly by industry, but these are usually the best tools to give people a chance to get to know your business and your work.

the best way for clients to know what you do is to show them


Here’s how I create great case studies

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Listen to the story

Understand why its special, what’s the impact and process and who needs ​to hear it.

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Pen School Supply Outline

Ask the right questions

Make sure you bring out the value of the project

Draft the story

Set up the internal communications process,, with clarity on sign off ​authority and frequency

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Make it sexy

Make it presentable,, easy on the eye and something someone glancing ​through will get value out of.

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Room for amplification

Reconsider all the ways this can be used and give it as many forms as it ​needs, so that it does well on all channels

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Feedback and improvement

Finally we look at what’s working best and make some room for newly identified needs.

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The Problem:

When you’re in the consulting business you sign NDAs with most of your clients. You do some ​great work, but you can’t really talk about it and let potential clients know what you do or sign ​up to get great awards.

The solution

Working with your client to create case studies with masked details.

The Approach

This industry completely understands and respects anonymity. Its the same high levelof ​confidence you will give a future client, and they will value it. Writing case studies need to focus ​on challenges and the approach, and showcasing the impact.

The Result

Giving your client strong proof points of the work you do, letting them get to know your style ​and sharing your successes while staying compliant.


Designing robust internal ​communications

Black and Silver Laptop Computer

Everyone’s had that embarrassing moment when you learn some new about your company from the newspaper, or a friend.

Our internal comms plan takes into consideration the sharing sensitiveinformation as well as processes and tools to make


How to build brands as ​Thought Leaders

Leader Light Bulb

Great thought leadership pieces have strong technical ideas which are broken down into simple language that a non-tech business people to understand.

Over the years, I’ve worked with many experts and built a system to break down unnecessary jargon, and create engaging reader friendly pieces.


Crafting business stories

Share Your Story

Your business story brings all the elements of your vision and purpose together. It allows employees to understand and engage with the larger goal while clients and business partners get to know you and what you do.

Here’s how I go about drafting your business story.


Let's collaborate.

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