Female employee have webcam team meeting online

HOW to build thought ​leaders


what’s different?

For the consulting and SaaS industries, your brand value comes from your knowledge and experience. Even reputed degrees are not enough; you ​need to build your reputation as a knowledgeable professional. To do that, you share your knowledge through blogs, webinars and other such ​initiatives. Companies need to build their leaders along with their brands.

To harness the intelligence and success of your leaders, companies create what has come to be known as thought leadership initiatives. These ​are a collection of articles, blogs, webinar series, videos, case studies and much more that offer value to potential clients. The goal is to become a ​trusted source of information in the field. The more value you provide to your audience, the more resourceful you become to them.

How do you achieve this in a cluttered space where rivals with bigger budgets can drown you out? You do it anyway; you stay consistent on ​topic and on trend. Here’s where working with a marketing communications professional helps. We’ll help you deliver content that looks good, is ​easy for the audience to engage with and is created to work well on social media.

Besides making things look good, I’ll ensure it’s easy for the eye to follow, written in a clear, crisp and concise manner, and written so that your ​audience understands what you mean.

I’ll also ensure that all of this is on-brand and that the activities align with the broader marketing goals. Consider me an extension of your team.

helping professionals build their brand


Here’s how to build strong people-centric brands.

Research Outline Icon


Learn about the expert, the company and the audience. Identify the niche they want to position themselves in.

Niche Marketing concept line icon. Simple element illustration. Niche Marketing  concept outline symbol design. Can be used for web and mobile UI/UX

Define Positioning:

Understand the intention of the content, what’s it goal and who’s its audience.

original stamp element

Be Original:

Guide the conversation to get original thoughts, check for business savviness, compliances and measure against goals

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Get feedback

Document the do’s and don’ts, create templates and instructions on how when to use these, and ensure they are on brand.

Calendar Icon

Create a Content Calendar

The content calendar gives you consistency as wells as empowers senior leaders with structured tools that they can use.

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3 month check ins

Finally we look at what’s working best and make some room for newly ​identified needs.

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Case Study


Reach out to me for a newsletter sample.


The Problem

Forensic services was the smallest team of a a 1000+ employee professional services firm. This was not a service they were know for, yet was one that had a lot of potential. Both within the firm and externally this newly set up team needed to show itself and increase their business.

The Solution

I helped them launch campaigns within the organization. With the intention to improve its safety practices, and create awareness about itself. In phase two they began to help sales divisions from other practices, top up their sales with these services. In phase three, we ran an aggressive social media campaign.

The Impact

The little team began to get noticed, both conversations and leads started pouring in. What’s more is that the aggressive social media campaign caught the attention of some prominent journalists and small features in the news earned great recognition.

There’s still room for the individuals and small teams to shine, don’t be discouraged, git it a try.


Designing robust internal ​communications

Black and Silver Laptop Computer

Everyone’s had that embarrassing moment when you learn some new about your company from the newspaper, or a friend.

Our internal comms plan takes into consideration the sharing sensitiveinformation as well as processes and tools to make


How to build brands as ​Thought Leaders

Leader Light Bulb

Great thought leadership pieces have strong technical ideas which are broken down into simple language that a non-tech business people to understand.

Over the years, I’ve worked with many experts and built a system to break down unnecessary jargon, and create engaging reader friendly pieces.


Crafting business stories

Share Your Story

Your business story brings all the elements of your vision and purpose together. It allows employees to understand and engage with the larger goal while clients and business partners get to know you and what you do.

Here’s how I go about drafting your business story.


Let's collaborate.

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